Tai Ki Kung maestro Ming Wong CY


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How to start practicing tai Chi?

We are going to the practice . fot. Michał Choński
We are going to the practice . fot. Michał Choński

All you need is join the Class and practice regularly. You can also start with attending one of our camps or seminars. For instance:

Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Qigong, Warszawa - How to start practicing? lada.jpgChi Kung, Tai Chi, Qigong, Warszawa - How to start practicing? stopy.jpg26-28 November 2010. WORKSHOP ON TAOIST FEET MASSAGE ZON SU WITH TAI CHI KUNG PRACTICE, conducted by lada Malinakova. On Zon Su is health preservation and improvement method as well as energy balancing and increasing, gaining beauty and psychophysical harmony. It can also be a  diagnostic and healing method., more…

Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Qigong, Warszawa - How to start practicing? balwanek.jpgChi Kung, Tai Chi, Qigong, Warszawa - How to start practicing? lada_syn_lokomotywa.jpg27 December 2010, 2 January 2011. We invite you to our New Year 2011 Eve Tai Chi & Chi Kung Camp to a  beautiful place in Żegary near Sejny, close to Lituanian border from 27 December 2010 to 2 January 2011, more

It is worth the while to first call the person who conducts classes:
Lada Malinakova-Nosal (Warszawa-Mokotów i  Warszawa-Ochota):
cell phone. 609 657 859
Marian Nosal (Warszawa-Ursus):
cell phone. 697 113 930
our home tel. number - (0-22) 478 57 15

We are practicing in  Dusznica, on mr Marcin Wawrzynkiewicz's farm .VII 2008 r.  fot. MN
We are practicing in Dusznica, on mr Marcin Wawrzynkiewicz's farm .VII 2008 r. fot. MN

Begginers may practice together with advanced practitioners. They can join any advanced Tai Chi group at any moment. Such traditional system is much better than organizing separate groups for begginers and more advanced practitioners, because those who start should have contact with the best practice standards from their first moments.Begginers from the start come into contact with the right climate and may, naturally through participating in class, absorb the atmosphere and essence of the tai Chi Kung practice. The details of movements and their interpretation they will learn with time.
No need to worry about "failures" at the beginning. It is natural to confuse right hand with left hand on the first practice. It is not a  "failure" but natural error that has to occur at the inicjal phase of the excercise.
The essence of the practice lies in observing the movements performed by the person conducting the practice and self correcting. We have to correct our own movements. The constant correcting of our own movements teaches us to be independent both in practice and in life. And the opposite - waiting for someone else to correct us - teaches lack of independence.
With time, just naturally, we learn to see and immitate the movement's subtlety, something that at the beginning seemed to us unattainable and even unimaginable.
At the same time, little by little, we learn the theory, which is not compulsory but helps enormously to understand the essence of the practice.
Most imporant is self awarness during practice and regular practice. Regular attending to classes.

We invite you to read the following articles:
For whom Tai Chi Kung is recomended?
- How to start practicing Tai Chi Kung?
- How Tai Chi Kung should be practiced?
- The six apects of the Tai Chi Kung practice.
- The characteristics of the six apects of the the Tai Chi Kung practice.
Explanation after the practice. Lada Malinakova clarifies different hand positions taken during practice.  . fot. MN
Explanation after the practice. Lada Malinakova clarifies different hand positions taken during practice. . fot. MN